This page accompanies the paper "Give and Take: An End-To-End Investigation of Giveaway Scam Conversion Rates", published at ACM IMC 2024. Below, you will find details about the dataset, including a link to download it and citation information.
You can download the dataset as a ZIP file from the link below:
This ZIP file is password-protected. Please email to request the password.
The dataset only contains YouTube-related data, including 2-second samples of YouTube livestreams (and their associated chat messages), scam websites advertised by the livestreams, screenshots and HTML of the scam websites, and addresses advertised on those websites. Specifically, the above zip file contains three folders and a summary file:
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite our paper:
@inproceedings{liu2024give, title={Give and take: An end-to-end investigation of giveaway scam conversion rates}, author={Liu, Enze and Kappos, George and Mugnier, Eric and Invernizzi, Luca and Savage, Stefan and Tao, David and Thomas, Kurt and Voelker, Geoffrey M and Meiklejohn, Sarah}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference}, pages={704--712}, year={2024} }